Etiquette for Knot Boards

Knot etiquette is a set of loosely defined guidelines knotties abide by. The following is a brief explanation of those guidelines. Nothing said here is a requirement, but your fellow knotties will appreciate it.

Introduce Yourself
If you are new to the August 2010 Board, introduce yourself. Create a new post and let us know who you are, when you got engaged, when your wedding is and anything else you'd like to include. This is our chance to get to know you a little better. The majority of the regular posters will appreciate an introduction post rather than jumping into threads unannounced.

What do the August 2010 Knotties what to know most? A little about your life and your FI. What kind of a wedding are you planning? Are you a destination bride or a DIY bride? What's your date? What have you completed in your planning so far? Do you have a bio for sharing your ideas? Anything wedding and non-wedding related your willing to tell us about yourself... well, almost anything!

Learn The Lingo
Talking and sharing ideas with other brides can be a lot of fun, but it can become a little confusing with all the abbreviations and acronyms the Knotties use. If you plan to ask for opinions or advice and make friends with the August 2010 Knotties, please learn the Lingo. The link at the top of this page called "Knot Lingo" will help you to familiarize yourself with what's going on.

Don't "Dirty Delete"
"Dirty Deleting" is when you delete a thread you started without prior notice. This usually happens when you don't get advice/opinions that you like. No one likes it when a post is DD. It makes the knotties that have responded feel as if they wasted their time and opinion. Also, DD removes a post that could have helped someone else.

The usual reason for a DD is when someone posts something that's turning out to be embarrassing or "flameful" or if you aren't getting the answers you want to hear. If you DD, we can almost guarantee someone will notice and be upset about it - as a result the issue will likely be talked about longer if you DD than if you leave it alone.

For the most part the August 2010 are drama-free. But if you plan on DDing a post, a good idea would be to state a disclaimer that you'll likely DD later in your original post.

Use The Search Function
We want to encourage chatting about all things wedding-related. The August 2010 Knotties will eagerly offer up their opinions and experiences when asked, but it gets frustrating when there are multiple posts asking the same questions. For your "How do I?, Where do I?" questions, try the Search Function at the bottom of the board to punch in keywords and see if your question has  already been answered.

It keeps the board clutter free, saves the time and patience of fellow Knotties and allows you an instant answer!

Be Polite
If you use a templates, personal picture, or piece of information for your wedding or bio, remember to ask permission and give credit where credit is due.

Protect yourself.
At all times, please remember that this is a public forum. Anybody can see what you post. Even if your MOH is not a bride, she can log onto The Knot and see what you're saying about her. This goes for vendors as well, although they are not allowed to post here. Take good care of your personal information. Stay away from posting your phone number, address, last names, whenever possible. Make sure to ask permission to post the images and names of those included in your bridal party before creating a Bio.